मी Dr. rohit pradip keetey, मराठी विकिपीडियात नवीन सदस्य आहे. मला विकि-मार्गदर्शकांचे मार्गदर्शन आणि मदत हवी आहे!
(मार्गदर्शकांना सूचना: आपण मदत केल्यावर किंवा या सदस्याच्या ५०० संपादनांनतर हा संदेश कृपया काढून टाकावा)
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- माझे सदस्य नाव/टोपण नाव: DR. ROHIT PRADIP KEETEY
- Dr. rohit pradip keetey (चर्चा) १०:१५, २५ जानेवारी २०१३ (IST)
संपादनDr. rohit pradip keetey (चर्चा) १०:२५, २५ जानेवारी २०१३ (IST)DR.ROHIT KEETEY How many different types of cancer are there?
From one point of view, there are as many types of cancer as there are different people, because everyone’s genes are different and so no two cancers are exactly alike. From another point of view, there are as many different types of human cell – just over 200.
However cancers can be broadly grouped into different types, depending on which tissues they come from.
Carcinomas the most common types of cancer, arise from the cells known as epithelial cells that cover external and internal body surfaces Lungs , breast and colon are the most frequent cancers of this type Sarcomas are cancers arising from cells found in the supporting tissues of the body such as bone, cartilage, fat connective tissue and muscle. Lymphomas are cancers that arise in the lymph nodes and tissues of the body’s immune system. Leukemia are cancers of the immature blood cells that grow in the bone marrow and tend to accumulate in large numbers in the blood stream Adenomas are tumors that come from glandular tissue like the thyroid the pituitary gland they are often benign.
types of cancer CANCER
Therearemanydifferenttypesofcellsinthebodyandsomanydifferenttypesofcancerscanarisefromthedifferenttypesofcells.However,unlikenormalcells ,thecancercellsareabnormal&multiplyoutofcontrol.
KNOW ABOUT BREAST CANCER To promote awareness on breast cancer encourage early detection and prompt treatment .
Following are The factors make a woman more prone to get breast cancer. We really can’t prevent breast cancer but what we can do is to detect it early. Early detection saves lives and lowers treatment costs.
Increasing age A family history of breast cancer especially if a first degree relative (mother sister aunt ) had/has breast cancer. A past history of breast cancer in the other breast or fibrocystic breast disease (an exaggerated lumpy painful condition related to the menstrual cycle.) Early age of menarche ( first period ) First pregnancy after 30 years. Having no children. Women who have not breast fed their children. Late menopause (cessation of periods). Dietary factors like consumption of alcohol, drinks/weak diet, rich in animal fat and obesity.
- A lump or thickening within the breast or armpit.
- A discharge from the nipple.
- Adiscolourationorchangeinthetextureoftheskinoverlyingthebreast (dimpling/puckering/scaling )
WAYS TO DETECT BREAST CANCER Asmorebreastcancersaredetectedearlyfarfewerwomenwilllosetheirlivesanditispossibletotreatbreastcancerintheearlystageswithpreservationofthebreast. Fortunatelytherearewaysbywhichyoucandetecttheearlyonsetofbreastcancer Breast Self Examination (BSE )This is a simple technique by which every woman above 18-20 years can notice certain changes in her breast which may be suggestive of breast cancer. Ideally it should be performed once a month (preferably a week or so after her periods ) If she has stopped getting periods the examination must be done every month on a fixed day. It should be done in the privacy of her bedroom or whilst bathing when the soapy feel of the body makes it convenient for examination. What follows are instructions and illustrations to help you learn to do BSE.
Look at your breasts in a mirror. Look for any changes in size or shape , retraction of nipple dimpling or thickening of skin or any obvious lump. Raising both your arms look for any unevenness in your breasts Keep your around your waist and press them firmly. These positions may help in showing any retraction or dimpling present over the skin of the breast Feel the whole breast in a systematic manner. The breast is divided into 5 parts. The upper inner area , upper outer area, lower inner area ,lower outer area and the central area beneath the nipple. Feel all the parts of the breast without missing any area. Lay down with one of your arm stretched . Keeping your fingers close to each other use the flat surface of your fingers to feel for any lump in the breast Do not feel the breast between the finger tips and the thumb. Press firmly enough to know how your breast feels. A firm ridge at your lower curve of each breast is normal. A clinical breast examination by the doctor
Aspartofyourphysicalcheck-upwithyourgynecologist makesureyourdoctorexaminesyourbreastsatleastonceayearifyoufallwithinoneoftheaboveriskgroups.
A mammogram
Thisisessentiallyanx-rayofthebreast. Itisusedonlyforwomenwhofallwithinthehigh-riskgroupandisthereforenotadvocatedforroutineuse.
If a lump is present a biopsy may be required.
CervicalcancerthemostcommoncanceramongIndianwomen. It isadiseaseinwhichcanceraffectstissuesofthecervixi.e. themouthoropeningofuterus (womb ).125000womenareaffectedeachyearneedlesslyclaiminganestimated50,000lives .Our aimistoalertyouaboutthepreventionandearlydetectionofcervicalcancer.
Early onset of sexual activity Early age at marriage First pregnancy before 20 years of age Multiple pregnancies at short intervals. (This leads to repeated injury to the cervix leaving it no time to heal. ) Sexual promiscuity i. e. multiple male sexual partners or even a single male partner having sexual relations with multiple female partners. Poor genital hygiene Genital tract infections especially HPV (human papilloma virus ) infection. Tobacco addiction
Bleeding ``between menstrual periods Bleeding after sexual intercourse. Bleeding any time after menopause. Irregular heavy menstrual periods. Unusual blood stained vaginal discharge. Unexplained weakness/tiredness/weight loss
Howeveroneshouldrememberthatsimpletestscandetect earlyprecancerouscervicalchanges( Dysplasia )muchbeforethesesignsandsymptomsoccur. THE PAP SMEAR Thetestissimpleandpainless. Usingacottonswaborabrush, cellsfromthecervixarecollectedandspreadoveraglassslideandexaminedunderamicroscope.
Getting a regular Pap test done if you are above the age of 30 and have/had sexual activity Delaying the age of marriage so that the age at first sexual intercourse also gets delayed. Postponing the birth of the first child to after 20 years using contraceptives. Avoiding multiple and rapid pregnancies through family planning. Modifying life-style patterns like discouraging sexual intercourse at an early age, avoiding intercourse with multiple partners stopping tobacco use. Using barrier contraceptives ( e. g. condoms ) to prevent sexually transmitted infections. This would also help to space births. Maintaining good genital hygiene at all times particularly while bathing and especially during your menstrual period. Your partner’s genital hygiene is also important. Seeking medical help from either your gynecologist or family doctor, if you have any of the above signs and symptoms at the earliest.
EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RECTAL CANCER WHAT IS RECTAL CANCER? The lower part of the colon that connects the large bowel to the anus is called the rectum. It’s primary function is to store formed stool in preparation for evacuation from the body. The inner surface of the rectal wall is lined with mucosa that composed of glands that secrete mucus to help the passage of stools. It is also surrounded by lymph nodes that are part of the immune system and assist in conducting surveillance for harmful materials (viruses/bacteria etc. ) that may be a threat to the body. Rectal cancer can stem from the mucosa on the inner surface of the rectal wall , or from the rectum to the lymph nodes. The prognosis and treatment of rectal cancer depends on how deeply the cancer has invaded the rectal wall and surrounding lymph node 25% of cancers of large intestine being from the rectum. It is the third most common cancer amongst men, and fourth most common amongst women. WHAT PUTS YOU AT RISK ? Research has been unable to pinpoint specific causes for rectal cancer. It develops over a period of time and the fastest way to detect it is to be alert when the initial complaints are rectal related (piles fissures hemorrhoids etc. ) SOME RISK FACTORS INCLUDE
A family history of colon or rectal cancer Personal or family history of polyps High-fat diet and/or a diet mostly from animal sources Increasing age Smoking
Slight bleeding Alteration in bowel movements Pencil thin stool Sensation of incomplete defecation Unexplained weight loss
Fecal occult Blood Test
This determines the presence of blood in the stools
Digital Rectal Examination Rectal Endoscopy
Usinganendoscope(aflexibletubewithcameraattheend )adoctorcanseetherectumandcolonthroughtheanusandifrequireddobiopsybytakingasmallpieceofthetumortodeterminemalignancy.
Colonoscopy, chest x-ray and scans of other parts of the body
Thetreatmentofrectalcancerisdeterminedbasedonhowfarthetumorhasinvadedtherectalwall ,whetherthelymphnodeshavebeenaffectedandifthetumorhasspreadtootherparts/organsofthebody.Oncethathasbeendetermined yourphysicianwillsuggestoneorcombinationofsurgeryradiotherapyandchemotherapy.
Cancersthatoriginateintheupperrespiratorytract,whichincludestheoralcavity (mouth, lipsandsalivaryglands ),nasalcavity(nose,sinuses )andthroatregion( pharynx,larynx )arereferredtoascancersoftheneck&head.ThesearereferredtoasSquamouscellCarcinomas,indicatingthattheyoriginateinthemucosalliningoftheaffectedparts
Larynx: Is also called the voice box and includes epiglottis, vocal cords and cartilage below the pharynx. Pharynx: Includes tube leading from nose to esophagus, back of mouth, base of tongue and tonsils. Oral Cavity: Includes lips gums , front two-thirds of tongue, lining inside cheeks and lips, floor of the mouth under tongue, the roof of the mouth (hard palate ), area behind wisdom teeth. Sinuses and Nasal Cavity: Hollow space inside and around nose Salivary Glands Upper Throat Lymph Nodes
TobaccoAndAlcohol:Consumptionoftobaccoeitherthroughsmokingorchewingorsnuff.85%ofheadandneckcancersareassociatedwithtobaccoconsumption. Alsoincludedinthislistishighconsumptionofpaanorbetelleaf. Radiation:To the head and neck areas
Industrial exposure to harmful elements: Asbestos or inhalation of industrial wood or nickel dust. Poor Oral Hygiene
Neck area: Lump in the neck, neck pain, enlarged lymph nodes. Mouth area: Bleeding or numbness from the mouth bad breath, sore tongue sores of mouth ulcers that do not heal, white red or dark patches in the mouth, lump in the gums or lips, slurred speech, hoarse voice. Nose area: prolonged sinus congestion, persistent sore throat, difficulty in swallowing and bleeding. Other symptoms: Includes earache or sudden weight loss.
Understandingofsymptomsµscopicevaluationoftheaffectedregionareimperative.A needlebiopsyisnormallyconductedfirst.YourdoctormayalsosuggestsomeorallofadditionaltestslikeEndoscopy,X-ray,CTscan,MRI,PETscan&Bipsoy
Basedontheseresultsateamcomprisingofanoncosurgeon,dentist , pathologist, oncologist,radiationtherapistwilldeterminethetreatment.This mayincludesurgeryradiation&chemotherapy.
ThethyroidisasmallbutterflyorshieldshapedglandinthefrontofneckjustbelowtheAdam’sapple.Itisknownastheactivityglandbecauseitproducesthetwomainhormonesthyroxin(T4 )&triiodothyronine (T3 ),whichareneededtokeepthebodyfunctioningatitsnormalrate.
CANCEROFTHETHYROID GLAND Cancerofthethyroidisraremaygrowveryslowlyanditmaybesomeyearsbeforeitstartstocauseanyproblems. Todaytheoutlookforpeoplewithcancerofthethyroidisverygood&manypeoplearecompletelycuredofthediseaseevenifithasspreadbeyondthethyroid. There arefourmaintypesofcancerofthethyroid.Byexaminingcellsfromthecanceryourdoctorwillbeabletotellwhichtypeyouhaveandthereforedecidethebesttypeoftreatment.
Thecauseofthyroidcancerisunknownhoweverarecognizedriskfactorisradiationexposureandithasbeenfoundinpeoplewhohavehadexternalradiotherapytotheneck10or20yearspreviously, aswellasChernobylchildren.Researchinto thecausesofthyroidcancerisongoing.Veryoccasionallypapillarycancerishereditaryandmedullarcancerisquiteoftenhereditary.
Inmostcasescancerofthethyroidgrowsveryslowly.Thefirstsignisusuallyapainlesslumpintheneckwhichgraduallygetsbigger.Occasionally,athyroidtumor maypressontheoesophagus (gullet )ortrachea ( windpipe )&causedifficultyinswallowingorbreathingItcanalsocauseaHoarsenessofvoice.
IT isunusualforcancerofthethyroidtoaffectthethyroidhormonessosymptomsofhyperthyroidismorhypothyroidismarerare.
Ifyounoticealumpinyourneckoranyoftheabovesymptomsyoushould seeyourdoctorassoonaspossible.However,thereareanumberofbenignconditions( suchasagoiter )whichproduceaswellingintheneckandarefarmorecommonthancancer.
Usuallyyoubeginbyseeingyourfamilydoctorwhowillexamineyouandarrangeanytestswhichmaybenecessary. Thesemayincludebloodteststoseeifyourthyroidglandisworkingasitshould.YourGPwillthenreferyoutohospitalforspecialistadvicetestsandtreatment.ImportanttestsincludeBloodtests, Ultrasoundthyroidscan.Thyroid radioisotope scan.Fineneedleaspirationcytology.
Surgery,radioactiveiodineandradiotherapyaregivenaloneorincombitiontotreatcancerofthethyroid. Thyroidcancercanusuallybetreatedverysuccessfullyandmanypatientsare cured.
Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyand sometimescomeback10ormoreyearsaftertreatmentyourdoctorswillwanttowatchyouforalongtime. Physicalexams,bloodtestsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscansMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
AnalterationinstructureofDNAcellscausesuncontrolledcellgrowth.Thisresultsintheformationoftissuethatarereferredtoastumors.Lungcancerreferstoanytypeofmalignanttumorthatoriginatesorspreadstotherespiratorysystem. Itisoneofthemostcommonofallcancers.
Squamous cell carcinoma-Begins in the bronchi Adenocarcinoma-Begins on the outer edges of the lung and is most common amongst people who have never smoked.
SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER: This type of cancer initially responds better to radiation and chemotherapy and is often contracted by smokers. This type of cancer tends to grow rapidly There are two stages: 1 ) Limited: Limited to one lung and/or lymph nodes on the same side of the chest. 2)Extensive/Metastatic: This type has spread to other parts/organs of the body. Cancer that originates elsewhere in the body and spreads to the lungs is referred to as Secondary Lung Cancer. WHAT PUTS YOU AT RISK ?
Smoking: Smokers account for over 80% of all lung cancer cases. Those who smoke 20 cigarettes are 20 times more likely to contract this form of cancer. Passive Smoking: Non smokers who live with smoker are 27% more likely to contract lung cancer Occupational Exposure: Those who are constantly exposed at work to chemicals and substances that are toxic in nature are at greater risk. Examples of these substances are arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, coal silica and nickel that are found in industries like ship building, coke and gas, agriculture, mining, metal production, lorry and taxi driving.
Persistent cough Breathlessness Unexplained weight loss Chest pain ( intermittent not continuous, becomes acute with coughing Coughing blood stained phlegm known as Haemoptysis.
Finger clubbing. Can be identified when the ends of the fingers either begin to look larger or more curved. High temperature and fatigue Difficulty in swallowing. Hoarse voice Swelling of the face
Ifthecancerisoftheanadvancestagetherewillbeadditionalsymptomsbasedon thespreadofthecancer.Themostcommonareasthatthecancerspreadstobeingthebrain,liver,thebonesandlymphglands
IfthepresentingproblemincludesHaemotysisandhoarsevoicethenyoumaybereferreddirectlytoacancercenterfordiagnosisandprognosis. AtthisstageyourdoctormayconsideraCTscan,chestx-rayandbronchoscopy.Ifthepresenceoflungcancerhasbeenestablishedthenfurthertestslikeneedlebiopsy,sputumcatology,mediastinnoscopy,thoracoscopyetc.areruntodeterminehowfarithasspreadandwhatstageitisat.
Thecombinationofsmokingorchewingtobaccoandexcessivedrinkingcreatesamuchhigherriskoforalandthroatcancer.Excessive exposureto ultraviolet lightalsocancausedamage.Damagetocellsmaycausetomalfunctionandmutateintocancercells.
Avarityoffactorscanincreasetheriskoforalcancer.These include:
Use of tobacco: Tobacco can damage cells in the lining of the oral cavity and upper throat. Smokers are much more likely to develop oral or upper throat cancers than nonsmokers are About 90% of people who develop these cancers use some form of tobacco. People who use smokeless or chewing tobacco are at even higher risk of cancers of the cheek and inner surface of the lips. Excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol also can damage cells inside your mouth and upper throat. Roughly three-fourths of people with oral and upper throat cancers are frequent drinkers of alcohol. The combination of alcohol and tobacco use significantly increases your risk. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light: Too much ultraviolet light can damage the cells on your lips and increase your risk of lip cancer. Almost one in three people with lip cancer have jobs that keep them outdoors for long periods of time. White patches on the tongue or inside of the cheek ( leukoplakia ): Most of the time leukoplakia is not dangerous. But leukoplakia can be serious as some of the patches may show early signs of cancer and many cancers of the mouth occur in areas in which leukoplakia is adjacent. Leukoplakia may result from a varity of causes including smoking or chewing tobacco products or ill fitting dentures. Red raised patches inside the mouth (erythroplakia ). Erythroplakia is more likely than leukoplakia to indicate a developing cancer. The majority of these are eventually diagnosed as cancer. Chronic denture irritation: Irritation caused by dentures does not itself appear to be a factor in oral cancer. However poorly fitting dentures can trap particles of tobacco and alcohol and prolonged exposure to these known risk factors may further increase your risk of oral cancer Human papillomavirus ( HPV ): HPV is a group of sexually transmitted viruses that have been linked to most cases of cervical cancers More recently HPV has been found to be a factor in about one out of five oral cancers.
A sore on the lip or in the mouth that does not heal. A lump on the lip or in the mouth or throat. A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth. Unusual bleeding , pain or numbness in the mouth. A sore throat that does not go away or a feeling that something is caught in the throat. Difficulty or pain with chewing or swallowing. Swelling of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly or become uncomfortable. A change in the voice ,Pain in the ear
Ifanabnormalareahasbeenfoundintheoralcavityabiopsyistheonlywaytoknowwhetheritiscancer.Usuallythepatientisreferredtoanspecialistwhoremovespartorallofthelumporabnormallookingarea. Stagingtestsandexamshelpthedoctorfindoutwhetherthecancerhasspreadandwhatpartsofthebodyareaffected.Itisalsonecessaryinordertoplanthebesttreatment . Staginggenerallyincludes dentalx-raysandx-raysoftheheadandchest.ThedoctormayalsowantthepatienttohaveaCTscanoraMRI.Thedoctoralsofeelsthelymphnodesinthenecktocheckforswellingorotherchanges.Inmostcasesthepatientwillhaveacompletephysicalexaminationbeforetreatmentbegins.
Doctorsusesurgeryandradiationtherapytotreatoralandthroatcancerintheearlieststages. Forcancerinmoreadvancedstagesdoctorsusesurgerycombinerwithradiationtherapyorradiationtherapycombinedwithchemotherapy.Thetreatmentchosenwilldependonanumberoffactorsincludingyouragegeneralhealththetypeandsizeofthetumorandwhetherithasspreadtonearbyareas.
Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyandsometimescomeback10or moreyearsaftertreatmentyourdoctorswill wanttowatchyouforalongtime.PhysicalexamsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscansMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
Tobaccoandalcoholarebyfarthemostimportantriskfactorsfororalandthroatcancer. Youcangreatlyreduceyourriskbynotsmokingandlimitingtheamountofalcoholyoudrink.Otherstepsyoucantaketohelppreventoralandthroatcanceroritsprogressioninclude:
Use of well fitting dentures Limiting your exposure to sun. Checking your mouth and tongue periodically. Visiting your dentist twice a year. Aiming for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT CANCER Cancer is a disease of the smallest units in the body cells. There are many different types cells in the body and so many different types of cancer can arise from the different types of cell However unlike normal cells the cancer cells are abnormal and multiply out of control. WHAT ARE CELLS ? NORMAL BODY CELLS The human body is made up from millions of tiny cells. Different parts of the body such as organs bones muscles skin and blood are made up from different specialized cells. All cells have centre called nucleus containing thousands of genes. These genes are like codes which control the different functions of the cells. Certain genes control when the cell should divide and multiply and certain genes even control when the cell should die. Normally our body only makes the right number of cells that are needed. As old cells wear out or become damaged new cells are formed to replace them. Some cells normally multiply quickly. For example you make millions of red blood cells each day as old ones become worn out and are broken down. Some cells do not multiply at all once they are mature for example brain cells
ABNORMAL CELLS However sometimes a cell can become abnormal. This occurs because one or more genes in the cell has become damaged or altered and thus affecting its function. Lots of abnormal cells may then develop from a single original abnormal cell. These cells do not know when to stop multiplying. A group of abnormal cells may then form. If this group of cells gets bigger it becomes a large lump of abnormal cells called a tumor. WHAT ARE TUMOURS ? A tumor is a lump or growth of tissues made up from abnormal cells. Tumors are divided into two types-benign and malignant. BENIGN TUMOURS They are not cancerous and are not usually life threatening. These may form in various parts of the body. Benign tumors usually grow slowly and do not spread or invade other tissues. They often do not harm if they are left alone. However some benign tumors can cause problems. For example some grow quite large and may cause local pressure symptoms look unsightly. Also some benign tumors that arise from cells in hormone glands can make too much hormone which can cause unwanted effects. WHY DO BENIGN TUMOURS NOT SPREAD TO OTHER AREAS ? Cells that make up benign tumors are different to malignant cells. Cell in benign tumors tend to be quite similar to normal cells. They do not invade local tissues . A benign tumor often grows slowly within a capsule or within normal cells which surrounded the tumor. A benign tumor tends to look and feel smooth and regular and have a well defined edge. This is unlike a malignant tumor which may look craggy and irregular and its edges tend to be mixed up with the nearby normal cells and tissue. MALIGNANT TUMOURS ( CANCERS ) Malignant tumors tend to grow quite quickly and invade into nearby tissues and organs which can cause damage. The original site where tumor first develops is called primary tumor. Malignant tumors may also spread to other parts of the body to form secondary tumors (metastases). These secondary tumors may then grow invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again. Note: not all cancers form solid tumours.For example in cancer of the blood cells (leukemia) many abnormal blood cells are made in the bone marrow and circulate in the bloodstream
Malignant cells multiply quickly. However to get large a tumor has to develop a blood supply to obtain oxygen and nourishment for the new and dividing cells. Cancer cells make chemicals that stimulate tiny blood vessels to grow around them which branch off from the existing blood vessels. This ability for cancer cells to stimulate blood vessels to grow is called angiogenesis.
Malignant cells have the ability to push through or between normal cells. So as they divide and multiply malignant cells invade and damage the local surrounding tissue.
Some malignant cells may get into local lymph channels. (The body contains a network of lymph channels drains the fluid called lymph which bathes and surrounds the body cells) The lymph channels drain lymph into lymph nodes(sometimes called lymph glands).There are many lymph nodes all over the body. A malignant cell may be carried to a lymph node and there it may become trapped. However it may multiply and develop into tumor. This is why lymph nodes that are near to a tumor may enlarge and contain cancerous cells.
Some malignant cells may get into a local blood vessel(capillary) They may then get carried in the bloodstream to other parts of the body. The cells may then multiply to form secondary tumors (metastases) in one or more parts of the body. These secondary tumors may then grow invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again.
There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Each type is classified by the type of cell the cancer originates from. For example a breast cell a lung cell etc. Each type of cancer generally falls into one of three categories
Carcinomas are cancers that arise from cells which line a body surface, or the lining of a gland. For example the skin or the lining of the gut , mouth, cervix, airways etc. Sarcomas are cancers that arise from cells which make up the connective tissues such as bones or muscles. For example an osteosarcoma is a cancer of bone tissue. Leukaemias and lymphomas are cancers of cells in bone marrow and lymph glands. For example, leukemia is a cancer of cells that make white blood cells.
Somearemoreeasytotreatthanothers,particularly ifdiagnosedatanearlierstage
Some haveabetteroutlook(prognosis)thanothers.Forsometypesofcancerthereisagoodchanceofbeingcured.Forsometypesofcancertheoutlookispoor.
The major salivary glands are the:
Sublingual glands found underneath the tongue Parotid glands at the sides of the mouth just in front of the ears Submandibular glands under the jawbone.
Therearealso manymoretinyglandsintheliningofthemouthandthroat.Thesedonothaveindividualnamesbutareknownastheminorsalivaryglands
Therearemanydifferentcelltypes.Salivaryglandcancersarealsogivenagradeof1,2or3basedonhowtheylookunderamicroscope.Grade1(alsocalledlow-grade)cancercellslookmorelikenormalcellsandhaveabetteroutlook.Grade3(highgrade)lookverydifferentfromnormalcellsandarelikelytogrowandspreadmorequickly.Grade 2 cancersareinbetween.
Radiation:Radiationtreatmenttotheheadandneckareaorworkexposuretocertainradioactive substancescanincreasetheriskofthiscancer
Work:Somestudiessuggestthatworkingwithcertainproductssuchasnickelalloydustorsilicadustmayincreasetheriskofthiscancer.Other studiesdidnotshowalink
Salivaryglandcancerisoftenpainlessinitsearlystages.Themostcommonsignisalump,massorswellingintheareaofsalivarygland.Justbecauseyouhavealumpintheareaofsalivarygland,howeverdoesnotnecessarily meanyouhavecancer.Morethanhalfthetumorsfoundinthesalivaryglandsarenon-cancerous.Other symptoms include:
Numbness in part of your face Muscle weakness on one side of your face Persistent pain in the area of salivary gland
Ifthereisanyreasontosuspectsalivaryglandcancer,thedoctorwilluseoneormoremethodstofindoutifthediseaseisreallypresent.The doctoratthehospitalwilltakeyourfullmedicalhistory,carryoutaphysicalexamination,andtakebloodsamplestocheckyourgeneralcondition.ThefollowingtestsarecommonlyusedtomakediagnosissuchasX-rays,CTscanMRIscanandBiopsy.
Salivaryglandcancerscanstartinvariouscellswithinthesalivaryglandsandmaybesloworfastgrowing.Yourtreatmentplanshouldbetailoredspecificallyforyoubyateamofdoctorsincludingsurgeons, cancerspecialistsanddoctorswhospecializeintreatingcancerwithradiation.Thetypeoftreatmentgivenwilldependonnumber ofthingsincludingthepositionofthecancertheexacttypeofcancerandyourgeneralhealth The3maintypesoftreatmentforthesecancersaresurgery,radiationandlessoftenchemotherapy. Sometimes2ormoreofthesemethodsareusedtogether. Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyandsometimescomeback10ormoreyearsaftertreatment, yourdoctorwillwanttowatchyouforalongtime.PhysicalexamsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscanMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
Avoidance of tobacco use. Avoidance or limiting exposure to radiation when possible. Checking your mouth and jaw periodically for lumps or bumps. Having your doctor or dentist check your salivary glands during routine checkups.
Therearemanydifferenttypesofcellsinthebodyandsomanydifferenttypesofcancerscanarisefromthedifferenttypesofcells.However,unlikenormalcells ,thecancercellsareabnormal&multiplyoutofcontrol.
KNOW ABOUT BREAST CANCER To promote awareness on breast cancer encourage early detection and prompt treatment .
Following are The factors make a woman more prone to get breast cancer. We really can’t prevent breast cancer but what we can do is to detect it early. Early detection saves lives and lowers treatment costs.
Increasing age A family history of breast cancer especially if a first degree relative (mother sister aunt ) had/has breast cancer. A past history of breast cancer in the other breast or fibrocystic breast disease (an exaggerated lumpy painful condition related to the menstrual cycle.) Early age of menarche ( first period ) First pregnancy after 30 years. Having no children. Women who have not breast fed their children. Late menopause (cessation of periods). Dietary factors like consumption of alcohol, drinks/weak diet, rich in animal fat and obesity.
- A lump or thickening within the breast or armpit.
- A discharge from the nipple.
- Adiscolourationorchangeinthetextureoftheskinoverlyingthebreast (dimpling/puckering/scaling )
WAYS TO DETECT BREAST CANCER Asmorebreastcancersaredetectedearlyfarfewerwomenwilllosetheirlivesanditispossibletotreatbreastcancerintheearlystageswithpreservationofthebreast. Fortunatelytherearewaysbywhichyoucandetecttheearlyonsetofbreastcancer Breast Self Examination (BSE )This is a simple technique by which every woman above 18-20 years can notice certain changes in her breast which may be suggestive of breast cancer. Ideally it should be performed once a month (preferably a week or so after her periods ) If she has stopped getting periods the examination must be done every month on a fixed day. It should be done in the privacy of her bedroom or whilst bathing when the soapy feel of the body makes it convenient for examination. What follows are instructions and illustrations to help you learn to do BSE.
Look at your breasts in a mirror. Look for any changes in size or shape , retraction of nipple dimpling or thickening of skin or any obvious lump. Raising both your arms look for any unevenness in your breasts Keep your around your waist and press them firmly. These positions may help in showing any retraction or dimpling present over the skin of the breast Feel the whole breast in a systematic manner. The breast is divided into 5 parts. The upper inner area , upper outer area, lower inner area ,lower outer area and the central area beneath the nipple. Feel all the parts of the breast without missing any area. Lay down with one of your arm stretched . Keeping your fingers close to each other use the flat surface of your fingers to feel for any lump in the breast Do not feel the breast between the finger tips and the thumb. Press firmly enough to know how your breast feels. A firm ridge at your lower curve of each breast is normal. A clinical breast examination by the doctor
Aspartofyourphysicalcheck-upwithyourgynecologist makesureyourdoctorexaminesyourbreastsatleastonceayearifyoufallwithinoneoftheaboveriskgroups.
A mammogram
Thisisessentiallyanx-rayofthebreast. Itisusedonlyforwomenwhofallwithinthehigh-riskgroupandisthereforenotadvocatedforroutineuse.
If a lump is present a biopsy may be required.
CervicalcancerthemostcommoncanceramongIndianwomen. It isadiseaseinwhichcanceraffectstissuesofthecervixi.e. themouthoropeningofuterus (womb ).125000womenareaffectedeachyearneedlesslyclaiminganestimated50,000lives .Our aimistoalertyouaboutthepreventionandearlydetectionofcervicalcancer.
Early onset of sexual activity Early age at marriage First pregnancy before 20 years of age Multiple pregnancies at short intervals. (This leads to repeated injury to the cervix leaving it no time to heal. ) Sexual promiscuity i. e. multiple male sexual partners or even a single male partner having sexual relations with multiple female partners. Poor genital hygiene Genital tract infections especially HPV (human papilloma virus ) infection. Tobacco addiction
Bleeding ``between menstrual periods Bleeding after sexual intercourse. Bleeding any time after menopause. Irregular heavy menstrual periods. Unusual blood stained vaginal discharge. Unexplained weakness/tiredness/weight loss
Howeveroneshouldrememberthatsimpletestscandetect earlyprecancerouscervicalchanges( Dysplasia )muchbeforethesesignsandsymptomsoccur. THE PAP SMEAR Thetestissimpleandpainless. Usingacottonswaborabrush, cellsfromthecervixarecollectedandspreadoveraglassslideandexaminedunderamicroscope.
Getting a regular Pap test done if you are above the age of 30 and have/had sexual activity Delaying the age of marriage so that the age at first sexual intercourse also gets delayed. Postponing the birth of the first child to after 20 years using contraceptives. Avoiding multiple and rapid pregnancies through family planning. Modifying life-style patterns like discouraging sexual intercourse at an early age, avoiding intercourse with multiple partners stopping tobacco use. Using barrier contraceptives ( e. g. condoms ) to prevent sexually transmitted infections. This would also help to space births. Maintaining good genital hygiene at all times particularly while bathing and especially during your menstrual period. Your partner’s genital hygiene is also important. Seeking medical help from either your gynecologist or family doctor, if you have any of the above signs and symptoms at the earliest.
EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT RECTAL CANCER WHAT IS RECTAL CANCER? The lower part of the colon that connects the large bowel to the anus is called the rectum. It’s primary function is to store formed stool in preparation for evacuation from the body. The inner surface of the rectal wall is lined with mucosa that composed of glands that secrete mucus to help the passage of stools. It is also surrounded by lymph nodes that are part of the immune system and assist in conducting surveillance for harmful materials (viruses/bacteria etc. ) that may be a threat to the body. Rectal cancer can stem from the mucosa on the inner surface of the rectal wall , or from the rectum to the lymph nodes. The prognosis and treatment of rectal cancer depends on how deeply the cancer has invaded the rectal wall and surrounding lymph node 25% of cancers of large intestine being from the rectum. It is the third most common cancer amongst men, and fourth most common amongst women. WHAT PUTS YOU AT RISK ? Research has been unable to pinpoint specific causes for rectal cancer. It develops over a period of time and the fastest way to detect it is to be alert when the initial complaints are rectal related (piles fissures hemorrhoids etc. ) SOME RISK FACTORS INCLUDE
A family history of colon or rectal cancer Personal or family history of polyps High-fat diet and/or a diet mostly from animal sources Increasing age Smoking
Slight bleeding Alteration in bowel movements Pencil thin stool Sensation of incomplete defecation Unexplained weight loss
Fecal occult Blood Test
This determines the presence of blood in the stools
Digital Rectal Examination Rectal Endoscopy
Usinganendoscope(aflexibletubewithcameraattheend )adoctorcanseetherectumandcolonthroughtheanusandifrequireddobiopsybytakingasmallpieceofthetumortodeterminemalignancy.
Colonoscopy, chest x-ray and scans of other parts of the body
Thetreatmentofrectalcancerisdeterminedbasedonhowfarthetumorhasinvadedtherectalwall ,whetherthelymphnodeshavebeenaffectedandifthetumorhasspreadtootherparts/organsofthebody.Oncethathasbeendetermined yourphysicianwillsuggestoneorcombinationofsurgeryradiotherapyandchemotherapy.
Cancersthatoriginateintheupperrespiratorytract,whichincludestheoralcavity (mouth, lipsandsalivaryglands ),nasalcavity(nose,sinuses )andthroatregion( pharynx,larynx )arereferredtoascancersoftheneck&head.ThesearereferredtoasSquamouscellCarcinomas,indicatingthattheyoriginateinthemucosalliningoftheaffectedparts
Larynx: Is also called the voice box and includes epiglottis, vocal cords and cartilage below the pharynx. Pharynx: Includes tube leading from nose to esophagus, back of mouth, base of tongue and tonsils. Oral Cavity: Includes lips gums , front two-thirds of tongue, lining inside cheeks and lips, floor of the mouth under tongue, the roof of the mouth (hard palate ), area behind wisdom teeth. Sinuses and Nasal Cavity: Hollow space inside and around nose Salivary Glands Upper Throat Lymph Nodes
TobaccoAndAlcohol:Consumptionoftobaccoeitherthroughsmokingorchewingorsnuff.85%ofheadandneckcancersareassociatedwithtobaccoconsumption. Alsoincludedinthislistishighconsumptionofpaanorbetelleaf. Radiation:To the head and neck areas
Industrial exposure to harmful elements: Asbestos or inhalation of industrial wood or nickel dust. Poor Oral Hygiene
Neck area: Lump in the neck, neck pain, enlarged lymph nodes. Mouth area: Bleeding or numbness from the mouth bad breath, sore tongue sores of mouth ulcers that do not heal, white red or dark patches in the mouth, lump in the gums or lips, slurred speech, hoarse voice. Nose area: prolonged sinus congestion, persistent sore throat, difficulty in swallowing and bleeding. Other symptoms: Includes earache or sudden weight loss.
Understandingofsymptomsµscopicevaluationoftheaffectedregionareimperative.A needlebiopsyisnormallyconductedfirst.YourdoctormayalsosuggestsomeorallofadditionaltestslikeEndoscopy,X-ray,CTscan,MRI,PETscan&Bipsoy
Basedontheseresultsateamcomprisingofanoncosurgeon,dentist , pathologist, oncologist,radiationtherapistwilldeterminethetreatment.This mayincludesurgeryradiation&chemotherapy.
ThethyroidisasmallbutterflyorshieldshapedglandinthefrontofneckjustbelowtheAdam’sapple.Itisknownastheactivityglandbecauseitproducesthetwomainhormonesthyroxin(T4 )&triiodothyronine (T3 ),whichareneededtokeepthebodyfunctioningatitsnormalrate.
CANCEROFTHETHYROID GLAND Cancerofthethyroidisraremaygrowveryslowlyanditmaybesomeyearsbeforeitstartstocauseanyproblems. Todaytheoutlookforpeoplewithcancerofthethyroidisverygood&manypeoplearecompletelycuredofthediseaseevenifithasspreadbeyondthethyroid. There arefourmaintypesofcancerofthethyroid.Byexaminingcellsfromthecanceryourdoctorwillbeabletotellwhichtypeyouhaveandthereforedecidethebesttypeoftreatment.
Thecauseofthyroidcancerisunknownhoweverarecognizedriskfactorisradiationexposureandithasbeenfoundinpeoplewhohavehadexternalradiotherapytotheneck10or20yearspreviously, aswellasChernobylchildren.Researchinto thecausesofthyroidcancerisongoing.Veryoccasionallypapillarycancerishereditaryandmedullarcancerisquiteoftenhereditary.
Inmostcasescancerofthethyroidgrowsveryslowly.Thefirstsignisusuallyapainlesslumpintheneckwhichgraduallygetsbigger.Occasionally,athyroidtumor maypressontheoesophagus (gullet )ortrachea ( windpipe )&causedifficultyinswallowingorbreathingItcanalsocauseaHoarsenessofvoice.
IT isunusualforcancerofthethyroidtoaffectthethyroidhormonessosymptomsofhyperthyroidismorhypothyroidismarerare.
Ifyounoticealumpinyourneckoranyoftheabovesymptomsyoushould seeyourdoctorassoonaspossible.However,thereareanumberofbenignconditions( suchasagoiter )whichproduceaswellingintheneckandarefarmorecommonthancancer.
Usuallyyoubeginbyseeingyourfamilydoctorwhowillexamineyouandarrangeanytestswhichmaybenecessary. Thesemayincludebloodteststoseeifyourthyroidglandisworkingasitshould.YourGPwillthenreferyoutohospitalforspecialistadvicetestsandtreatment.ImportanttestsincludeBloodtests, Ultrasoundthyroidscan.Thyroid radioisotope scan.Fineneedleaspirationcytology.
Surgery,radioactiveiodineandradiotherapyaregivenaloneorincombitiontotreatcancerofthethyroid. Thyroidcancercanusuallybetreatedverysuccessfullyandmanypatientsare cured.
Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyand sometimescomeback10ormoreyearsaftertreatmentyourdoctorswillwanttowatchyouforalongtime. Physicalexams,bloodtestsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscansMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
AnalterationinstructureofDNAcellscausesuncontrolledcellgrowth.Thisresultsintheformationoftissuethatarereferredtoastumors.Lungcancerreferstoanytypeofmalignanttumorthatoriginatesorspreadstotherespiratorysystem. Itisoneofthemostcommonofallcancers.
Squamous cell carcinoma-Begins in the bronchi Adenocarcinoma-Begins on the outer edges of the lung and is most common amongst people who have never smoked.
SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER: This type of cancer initially responds better to radiation and chemotherapy and is often contracted by smokers. This type of cancer tends to grow rapidly There are two stages: 1 ) Limited: Limited to one lung and/or lymph nodes on the same side of the chest. 2)Extensive/Metastatic: This type has spread to other parts/organs of the body. Cancer that originates elsewhere in the body and spreads to the lungs is referred to as Secondary Lung Cancer. WHAT PUTS YOU AT RISK ?
Smoking: Smokers account for over 80% of all lung cancer cases. Those who smoke 20 cigarettes are 20 times more likely to contract this form of cancer. Passive Smoking: Non smokers who live with smoker are 27% more likely to contract lung cancer Occupational Exposure: Those who are constantly exposed at work to chemicals and substances that are toxic in nature are at greater risk. Examples of these substances are arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, coal silica and nickel that are found in industries like ship building, coke and gas, agriculture, mining, metal production, lorry and taxi driving.
Persistent cough Breathlessness Unexplained weight loss Chest pain ( intermittent not continuous, becomes acute with coughing Coughing blood stained phlegm known as Haemoptysis.
Finger clubbing. Can be identified when the ends of the fingers either begin to look larger or more curved. High temperature and fatigue Difficulty in swallowing. Hoarse voice Swelling of the face
Ifthecancerisoftheanadvancestagetherewillbeadditionalsymptomsbasedon thespreadofthecancer.Themostcommonareasthatthecancerspreadstobeingthebrain,liver,thebonesandlymphglands
IfthepresentingproblemincludesHaemotysisandhoarsevoicethenyoumaybereferreddirectlytoacancercenterfordiagnosisandprognosis. AtthisstageyourdoctormayconsideraCTscan,chestx-rayandbronchoscopy.Ifthepresenceoflungcancerhasbeenestablishedthenfurthertestslikeneedlebiopsy,sputumcatology,mediastinnoscopy,thoracoscopyetc.areruntodeterminehowfarithasspreadandwhatstageitisat.
Thecombinationofsmokingorchewingtobaccoandexcessivedrinkingcreatesamuchhigherriskoforalandthroatcancer.Excessive exposureto ultraviolet lightalsocancausedamage.Damagetocellsmaycausetomalfunctionandmutateintocancercells.
Avarityoffactorscanincreasetheriskoforalcancer.These include:
Use of tobacco: Tobacco can damage cells in the lining of the oral cavity and upper throat. Smokers are much more likely to develop oral or upper throat cancers than nonsmokers are About 90% of people who develop these cancers use some form of tobacco. People who use smokeless or chewing tobacco are at even higher risk of cancers of the cheek and inner surface of the lips. Excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol also can damage cells inside your mouth and upper throat. Roughly three-fourths of people with oral and upper throat cancers are frequent drinkers of alcohol. The combination of alcohol and tobacco use significantly increases your risk. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light: Too much ultraviolet light can damage the cells on your lips and increase your risk of lip cancer. Almost one in three people with lip cancer have jobs that keep them outdoors for long periods of time. White patches on the tongue or inside of the cheek ( leukoplakia ): Most of the time leukoplakia is not dangerous. But leukoplakia can be serious as some of the patches may show early signs of cancer and many cancers of the mouth occur in areas in which leukoplakia is adjacent. Leukoplakia may result from a varity of causes including smoking or chewing tobacco products or ill fitting dentures. Red raised patches inside the mouth (erythroplakia ). Erythroplakia is more likely than leukoplakia to indicate a developing cancer. The majority of these are eventually diagnosed as cancer. Chronic denture irritation: Irritation caused by dentures does not itself appear to be a factor in oral cancer. However poorly fitting dentures can trap particles of tobacco and alcohol and prolonged exposure to these known risk factors may further increase your risk of oral cancer Human papillomavirus ( HPV ): HPV is a group of sexually transmitted viruses that have been linked to most cases of cervical cancers More recently HPV has been found to be a factor in about one out of five oral cancers.
A sore on the lip or in the mouth that does not heal. A lump on the lip or in the mouth or throat. A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth. Unusual bleeding , pain or numbness in the mouth. A sore throat that does not go away or a feeling that something is caught in the throat. Difficulty or pain with chewing or swallowing. Swelling of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly or become uncomfortable. A change in the voice ,Pain in the ear
Ifanabnormalareahasbeenfoundintheoralcavityabiopsyistheonlywaytoknowwhetheritiscancer.Usuallythepatientisreferredtoanspecialistwhoremovespartorallofthelumporabnormallookingarea. Stagingtestsandexamshelpthedoctorfindoutwhetherthecancerhasspreadandwhatpartsofthebodyareaffected.Itisalsonecessaryinordertoplanthebesttreatment . Staginggenerallyincludes dentalx-raysandx-raysoftheheadandchest.ThedoctormayalsowantthepatienttohaveaCTscanoraMRI.Thedoctoralsofeelsthelymphnodesinthenecktocheckforswellingorotherchanges.Inmostcasesthepatientwillhaveacompletephysicalexaminationbeforetreatmentbegins.
Doctorsusesurgeryandradiationtherapytotreatoralandthroatcancerintheearlieststages. Forcancerinmoreadvancedstagesdoctorsusesurgerycombinerwithradiationtherapyorradiationtherapycombinedwithchemotherapy.Thetreatmentchosenwilldependonanumberoffactorsincludingyouragegeneralhealththetypeandsizeofthetumorandwhetherithasspreadtonearbyareas.
Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyandsometimescomeback10or moreyearsaftertreatmentyourdoctorswill wanttowatchyouforalongtime.PhysicalexamsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscansMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
Tobaccoandalcoholarebyfarthemostimportantriskfactorsfororalandthroatcancer. Youcangreatlyreduceyourriskbynotsmokingandlimitingtheamountofalcoholyoudrink.Otherstepsyoucantaketohelppreventoralandthroatcanceroritsprogressioninclude:
Use of well fitting dentures Limiting your exposure to sun. Checking your mouth and tongue periodically. Visiting your dentist twice a year. Aiming for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT CANCER Cancer is a disease of the smallest units in the body cells. There are many different types cells in the body and so many different types of cancer can arise from the different types of cell However unlike normal cells the cancer cells are abnormal and multiply out of control. WHAT ARE CELLS ? NORMAL BODY CELLS The human body is made up from millions of tiny cells. Different parts of the body such as organs bones muscles skin and blood are made up from different specialized cells. All cells have centre called nucleus containing thousands of genes. These genes are like codes which control the different functions of the cells. Certain genes control when the cell should divide and multiply and certain genes even control when the cell should die. Normally our body only makes the right number of cells that are needed. As old cells wear out or become damaged new cells are formed to replace them. Some cells normally multiply quickly. For example you make millions of red blood cells each day as old ones become worn out and are broken down. Some cells do not multiply at all once they are mature for example brain cells
ABNORMAL CELLS However sometimes a cell can become abnormal. This occurs because one or more genes in the cell has become damaged or altered and thus affecting its function. Lots of abnormal cells may then develop from a single original abnormal cell. These cells do not know when to stop multiplying. A group of abnormal cells may then form. If this group of cells gets bigger it becomes a large lump of abnormal cells called a tumor. WHAT ARE TUMOURS ? A tumor is a lump or growth of tissues made up from abnormal cells. Tumors are divided into two types-benign and malignant. BENIGN TUMOURS They are not cancerous and are not usually life threatening. These may form in various parts of the body. Benign tumors usually grow slowly and do not spread or invade other tissues. They often do not harm if they are left alone. However some benign tumors can cause problems. For example some grow quite large and may cause local pressure symptoms look unsightly. Also some benign tumors that arise from cells in hormone glands can make too much hormone which can cause unwanted effects. WHY DO BENIGN TUMOURS NOT SPREAD TO OTHER AREAS ? Cells that make up benign tumors are different to malignant cells. Cell in benign tumors tend to be quite similar to normal cells. They do not invade local tissues . A benign tumor often grows slowly within a capsule or within normal cells which surrounded the tumor. A benign tumor tends to look and feel smooth and regular and have a well defined edge. This is unlike a malignant tumor which may look craggy and irregular and its edges tend to be mixed up with the nearby normal cells and tissue. MALIGNANT TUMOURS ( CANCERS ) Malignant tumors tend to grow quite quickly and invade into nearby tissues and organs which can cause damage. The original site where tumor first develops is called primary tumor. Malignant tumors may also spread to other parts of the body to form secondary tumors (metastases). These secondary tumors may then grow invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again. Note: not all cancers form solid tumours.For example in cancer of the blood cells (leukemia) many abnormal blood cells are made in the bone marrow and circulate in the bloodstream
Malignant cells multiply quickly. However to get large a tumor has to develop a blood supply to obtain oxygen and nourishment for the new and dividing cells. Cancer cells make chemicals that stimulate tiny blood vessels to grow around them which branch off from the existing blood vessels. This ability for cancer cells to stimulate blood vessels to grow is called angiogenesis.
Malignant cells have the ability to push through or between normal cells. So as they divide and multiply malignant cells invade and damage the local surrounding tissue.
Some malignant cells may get into local lymph channels. (The body contains a network of lymph channels drains the fluid called lymph which bathes and surrounds the body cells) The lymph channels drain lymph into lymph nodes(sometimes called lymph glands).There are many lymph nodes all over the body. A malignant cell may be carried to a lymph node and there it may become trapped. However it may multiply and develop into tumor. This is why lymph nodes that are near to a tumor may enlarge and contain cancerous cells.
Some malignant cells may get into a local blood vessel(capillary) They may then get carried in the bloodstream to other parts of the body. The cells may then multiply to form secondary tumors (metastases) in one or more parts of the body. These secondary tumors may then grow invade and damage nearby tissues and spread again.
There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Each type is classified by the type of cell the cancer originates from. For example a breast cell a lung cell etc. Each type of cancer generally falls into one of three categories
Carcinomas are cancers that arise from cells which line a body surface, or the lining of a gland. For example the skin or the lining of the gut , mouth, cervix, airways etc. Sarcomas are cancers that arise from cells which make up the connective tissues such as bones or muscles. For example an osteosarcoma is a cancer of bone tissue. Leukaemias and lymphomas are cancers of cells in bone marrow and lymph glands. For example, leukemia is a cancer of cells that make white blood cells.
Somearemoreeasytotreatthanothers,particularly ifdiagnosedatanearlierstage
Some haveabetteroutlook(prognosis)thanothers.Forsometypesofcancerthereisagoodchanceofbeingcured.Forsometypesofcancertheoutlookispoor.
The major salivary glands are the:
Sublingual glands found underneath the tongue Parotid glands at the sides of the mouth just in front of the ears Submandibular glands under the jawbone.
Therearealso manymoretinyglandsintheliningofthemouthandthroat.Thesedonothaveindividualnamesbutareknownastheminorsalivaryglands
Therearemanydifferentcelltypes.Salivaryglandcancersarealsogivenagradeof1,2or3basedonhowtheylookunderamicroscope.Grade1(alsocalledlow-grade)cancercellslookmorelikenormalcellsandhaveabetteroutlook.Grade3(highgrade)lookverydifferentfromnormalcellsandarelikelytogrowandspreadmorequickly.Grade 2 cancersareinbetween.
Radiation:Radiationtreatmenttotheheadandneckareaorworkexposuretocertainradioactive substancescanincreasetheriskofthiscancer
Work:Somestudiessuggestthatworkingwithcertainproductssuchasnickelalloydustorsilicadustmayincreasetheriskofthiscancer.Other studiesdidnotshowalink
Salivaryglandcancerisoftenpainlessinitsearlystages.Themostcommonsignisalump,massorswellingintheareaofsalivarygland.Justbecauseyouhavealumpintheareaofsalivarygland,howeverdoesnotnecessarily meanyouhavecancer.Morethanhalfthetumorsfoundinthesalivaryglandsarenon-cancerous.Other symptoms include:
Numbness in part of your face Muscle weakness on one side of your face Persistent pain in the area of salivary gland
Ifthereisanyreasontosuspectsalivaryglandcancer,thedoctorwilluseoneormoremethodstofindoutifthediseaseisreallypresent.The doctoratthehospitalwilltakeyourfullmedicalhistory,carryoutaphysicalexamination,andtakebloodsamplestocheckyourgeneralcondition.ThefollowingtestsarecommonlyusedtomakediagnosissuchasX-rays,CTscanMRIscanandBiopsy.
Salivaryglandcancerscanstartinvariouscellswithinthesalivaryglandsandmaybesloworfastgrowing.Yourtreatmentplanshouldbetailoredspecificallyforyoubyateamofdoctorsincludingsurgeons, cancerspecialistsanddoctorswhospecializeintreatingcancerwithradiation.Thetypeoftreatmentgivenwilldependonnumber ofthingsincludingthepositionofthecancertheexacttypeofcancerandyourgeneralhealth The3maintypesoftreatmentforthesecancersaresurgery,radiationandlessoftenchemotherapy. Sometimes2ormoreofthesemethodsareusedtogether. Becausemanytypesofcancersgrowslowlyandsometimescomeback10ormoreyearsaftertreatment, yourdoctorwillwanttowatchyouforalongtime.PhysicalexamsandimagingstudiessuchasCTscanMRIandx-raysmaybedonetowatchforsignsthatthecancerhascomebackorspread.
Avoidance of tobacco use. Avoidance or limiting exposure to radiation when possible. Checking your mouth and jaw periodically for lumps or bumps. Having your doctor or dentist check your salivary glands during routine checkups.