डमीज फॉर प्रचालक

भीमरावमहावीरजोशीपाटील1 was a user name by me .... when भीमरावमहावीरजोशीपाटील objected i changed it to Fan of joker.

Now Look at the banning patterns followed by Mr Rahul Deshmukh, it's really very funny ... funny to the extend that :D

  • bans Fan of joker for 1 month
  • bans भीमरावमहावीरजोशीपाटील1 6 months (he .. he .. he )

more insights .......... [[१]]

one more information सदस्य:पुणेरीपुणेकर is सदस्य:Rahuldeshmukh101 that is why he deleted the valid discussion on [२] this page.

Things to bee added on blog,

admin intentional blunders