spedizione di Magone (it); ポー平原遠征 (ja); bataille d’Insubrie (fr); batalla del Po (ca); קרב עמק הפו (he); Po Valley raid (nl); Рейд в долину По (ru); पो दरी आक्रमण (mr); პოს ხეობის რეიდი (ka); Raide no vale do Pó (pt); Po Valley raid (en); معركة وادي بو (ar); Batalla del Po (es); Bitka v Insubriji (sl) culmination of a major diversion carried out by the Carthaginian commander Mago, son of Hamilcar Barca, at the end of the Second Punic war between Rome and Carthage in what is now northwestern Italy (en); culmination of a major diversion carried out by the Carthaginian commander Mago, son of Hamilcar Barca, at the end of the Second Punic war between Rome and Carthage in what is now northwestern Italy (en) Incursion del valle del Po, Incursión del valle del Po, Incursión en el valle del Po, Incursion en el valle del Po (es); Raid of the Po Valley (en)

पो दरी आक्रमण हा दुसरे प्युनिक युद्ध या युद्धातील एक सैन्य संघर्ष होता.

पो दरी आक्रमण 
culmination of a major diversion carried out by the Carthaginian commander Mago, son of Hamilcar Barca, at the end of the Second Punic war between Rome and Carthage in what is now northwestern Italy
माध्यमे अपभारण करा
प्रकारmilitary operation,
ह्याचा भागप्युनिकचे दुसरे युद्ध
स्थान Insubria, वारेसे प्रांत, लोंबार्दिया, इटली
तारीखइ.स. २०३ BC
Map४५° २८′ ००″ N, ९° १०′ ००″ E
अधिकार नियंत्रण
साचा:Translations:Template:Wikidata Infobox/i18n/msg-editlink-alttext/mr