This template allows the values of physical constants to be quickly entered in articles. As of now, it returns CODATA 2010 recommended values, but using the template allows all the articles using it to be updated at once when more recent values become available. In particular, if the proposed new SI definitions are approved, the numerical values of the constants used in the new definitions will become exact whereas those of the constants used in the old definition will acquire an uncertainty.
- If set to
, the value is preceded by the symbol of the constant, followed by ≈ or = depending on whether or notround
is set. round
- If omitted, the value is shown along with its standard uncertainty. If set to an integer n, the value is rounded to the first n digits after the decimal point (retaining trailing zeros). If set to
, the value is rounded to the most digits such that the standard uncertainty is no more than 0.5 units in the last place. unit
- If set to
, the unit of measurement is not shown. ref
- If set to
, no reference is given. If set toonly
, only the reference is given. after
- Text (e.g. punctuation) to be shown after the constant before the reference.
- If set to
, this will provide only the relative standard uncertainty of the value and its reference.
संपादन{{physconst|c|unit=no|after= [[metre per second|metres per second]].}}
- २९,९७,९२,४५८ metres per second.[१]
- μ0 = १२.५६६३७०६१४...×10−७ N/A2[२]
- G = ६.६७४०८(31)×10−११ m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2[३]
- ६.६२६०७०×10−३४ J⋅s
- ħ ≈ १.०५×10−३४ J⋅s[४]
The relative standard uncertainty of ''m''<sub>u</sub> is {{physconst|mu|runc=yes|after=.}}
- The relative standard uncertainty of mu is १.२×10−८.[५]
For the electron mass, {{physconst|me|runc=yes|symbol=yes|ref=no}}.
- For the electron mass, ur(me) = १.२×10−८.
NIST publishes the CODATA value of the [[elementary charge]].{{physconst|e|ref=only}}
- NIST publishes the CODATA value of the elementary charge.[६]
Available constants
संपादनCode | Constant | Value | "auto" rounding | Relative standard uncertainty |
alpha | fine-structure constant | α = ७.२९७३५२५६६४(17)×10−३ | α ≈ ७.२९७३५२५६६×10−३ | ur(α) = २.३×10−१०[७] |
bwien | Wien's displacement constant | b = २.८९७७७२९(17)×10−३ m⋅K | b ≈ २.८९७७७३×10−३ m⋅K | ur(b) = ५.७×10−७[८] |
c | speed of light | c = २९,९७,९२,४५८ m/s | c ≈ २९,९७,९२,४५८ m/s | ur(c) = ०[१] |
e | elementary charge | e = १.६०२१७६६२०८(98)×10−१९ C | e ≈ १.६०२१७६६२×10−१९ C | ur(e) = ६.१×10−९[६] |
eps0 | vacuum permittivity | ε0 = ८.८५४१८७८१७...×10−१२ F⋅m−1 | ε0 ≈ ८.८५४१८७८१७×10−१२ F⋅m−1 | ur(ε0) = ०[९] |
eV | electronvolt | 1 eV = १.६०२१७६६२०८(98)×10−१९ J | 1 eV ≈ १.६०२१७६६२×10−१९ J | ur(1 eV) = ६.१×10−९[१०] |
F | Faraday constant | F = ९६,४८५.३३२८९(59) C/mol | F ≈ ९६,४८५.३३३ C/mol | ur(F) = ६.२×10−९[११] |
G | gravitational constant | G = ६.६७४०८(31)×10−११ m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2 | G ≈ ६.६७४×10−११ m3⋅kg−1⋅s−2 | ur(G) = ४.७×10−५[३] |
G0 | conductance quantum | G0 = ७.७४८०९१७३१०(18)×10−५ S | G0 ≈ ७.७४८०९१७३१×10−५ S | ur(G0) = २.३×10−१०[१२] |
ge | electron g-factor | ge = −२.००२३१९३०४३६१८२(52) | ge ≈ −२.००२३१९३०४३६२ | ur(ge) = २.६×10−१३[१३] |
gmu | muon g-factor | gμ = −२.००२३३१८४१८(13) | gμ ≈ −२.००२३३१८४२ | ur(gμ) = ६.३×10−१०[१४] |
h | Planck constant | h = ६.६२६०७००४०(81)×10−३४ J⋅s | h ≈ ६.६२६०७०×10−३४ J⋅s | ur(h) = १.२×10−८[१५] |
hbar | Planck constant | ħ = १.०५४५७१८००(13)×10−३४ J⋅s | ħ ≈ १.०५४५७१८×10−३४ J⋅s | ur(ħ) = १.२×10−८[४] |
invalpha | inverse fine-structure constant | 1/α = १३७.०३५९९९१३९(31) | 1/α ≈ १३७.०३५९९९१४ | ur(1/α) = २.३×10−१०[१६] |
k | Boltzmann constant | k = १.३८०६४८५२(79)×10−२३ J/K | k ≈ १.३८०६४८५×10−२३ J/K | ur(k) = ५.७×10−७[१७] |
KJ | Josephson constant | KJ = ४,८३,५९७.८,५२५(30)×10९ Hz⋅V−1 | KJ ≈ ४,८३,५९७.८५३×10९ Hz⋅V−1 | ur(KJ) = ६.१×10−९[१८] |
me | electron mass | me = ९.१०९३८३५६(11)×10−३१ कि.ग्रॅ. | me ≈ ९.१०९३८३६×10−३१ कि.ग्रॅ. | ur(me) = १.२×10−८[१९] |
mmu | muon mass | mμ = १.८८३५३१५९४(48)×10−२८ कि.ग्रॅ. | mμ ≈ १.८८३५३१६×10−२८ कि.ग्रॅ. | ur(mμ) = २.५×10−८[२०] |
mp | proton mass | mp = १.६७२६२१८९८(21)×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | mp ≈ १.६७२६२१९×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | ur(mp) = १.२×10−८[२१] |
mpome | proton-to-electron mass ratio | mp/me = १,८३६.१५२६७३८९(17) | mp/me ≈ १,८३६.१५२६७३९ | ur(mp/me) = ९.५×10−११[२२] |
mtau | tau mass | mτ = ३.१६७४७(29)×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | mτ ≈ ३.१,६७५×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | ur(mτ) = ९.०×10−५[२३] |
mu | atomic mass constant | mu = १.६६०५३९०४०(20)×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | mu ≈ १.६६०५३९०४×10−२७ कि.ग्रॅ. | ur(mu) = १.२×10−८[५] |
mu0 | vacuum permeability | μ0 = १२.५६६३७०६१४...×10−७ N/A2 | μ0 ≈ १२.५६६३७०६१४×10−७ N/A2 | ur(μ0) = ०[२] |
NA | Avogadro constant | NA = ६.०२२१४०८५७(74)×10२३ mol−1 | NA ≈ ६.०२२१४०८६×10२३ mol−1 | ur(NA) = १.२×10−८[२४] |
Phi0 | magnetic flux quantum | Φ0 = २.०६७८३३८३१(13)×10−१५ Wb | Φ0 ≈ २.०६७८३३८३×10−१५ Wb | ur(Φ0) = ६.१×10−९[२५] |
R | gas constant | R = ८.३१४४५९८(48) J⋅mol−1⋅K−1 | R ≈ ८.३१४४६ J⋅mol−1⋅K−1 | ur(R) = ५.७×10−७[२६] |
Rinf | Rydberg constant | R∞ = १,०९,७३,७३१.५६८५०८(65) m−1 | R∞ ≈ १,०९,७३,७३१.५,६८५ m−1 | ur(R∞) = ५.९×10−१२[२७] |
RK | von Klitzing constant | RK = २५,८१२.८०७४५५५(59) Ω | RK ≈ २५,८१२.८०७४५६ Ω | ur(RK) = २.३×10−१०[२८] |
sigma | Stefan–Boltzmann constant | σ = ५.६७०३६७(13)×10−८ W⋅m−2⋅K−4 | σ ≈ ५.६७०३७×10−८ W⋅m−2⋅K−4 | ur(σ) = २.३×10−६[२९] |
Z0 | characteristic impedance of vacuum | Z0 = ३७६.७३०३१३४६१... Ω | Z0 ≈ ३७६.७३०३१३४६१ Ω | ur(Z0) = ०[३०] |
संपादन- ^ a b "CODATA Value: speed of light in vacuum". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ a b "CODATA Value: magnetic constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ a b "CODATA Value: Newtonian constant of gravitation". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ a b "CODATA Value: Planck constant over 2 pi". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ a b "CODATA Value: atomic mass constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ a b "CODATA Value: elementary charge". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-22 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: fine-structure constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Wien wavelength displacement law constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: electric constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: electron volt". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-22 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Faraday constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: conductance quantum". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: electron g factor". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: muon g factor". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Planck constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: inverse fine-structure constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Boltzmann constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Josephson constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: electron mass". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: muon mass". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: proton mass". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: proton-electron mass ratio". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: tau mass". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Avogadro constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: magnetic flux quantum". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: molar gas constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Rydberg constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: von Klitzing constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2017-01-18 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: Stefan-Boltzmann constant". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2015-09-25 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values
- ^ "CODATA Value: characteristic impedance of vacuum". The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty. 2017-01-18 रोजी पाहिले.
2014 CODATA recommended values