Patoda city is located at bank of "MANJARA RIVER".In this town there are 3(Three) temple of SHIVA thats are NAGARESHWAR, BHAMESHWAR & SANGAMESHWAR. In Patoda taluka femous waterfall at SAUTADA which is "SAUTADA WATERFALL".In Sautada in month of SHRAVAN lot of visitors visited.
  In Patoda a big project of milk process that is "PATODA TALUKA DUDH UTPADAK SANGH".In which daily receive about 1 Lack liter Milk. 
  An international cricketer Sanjay Bangar which is belongs from Bhayala,Which is located in this taluka.
  Also Great SAINT BHAGWAN BABA &SAINT WAMAN BHAU those are related from this town.

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